Archaeology Resources

While we ultimately aim for a world-wide audience, Safia's Archaeological Adventures was initially developed to showcase the archaeology of the Emirates to UAE teens and to develop a resource for teachers. 


The Emirates is rich with history, and the archaeological evidence of past inhabitants stretches back thousands of years.  


In this section, readers and teachers can find information about the various archaeological terms, sites, artefacts, and heritage items mentioned in the books. 


We hope you have as much enjoyments reading and learning about them as we did writing about them. 

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©2023 - 2025 Katia Davis | Michele Ziolkowski - Safia's Archaeological Adventures.
This website uses British English.
Past Remembrance cover design, illustration, and promotional banners/graphics by Holly Dunn of Holly Dunn Design.
Resource illustrations as stated.
Website title graphics via subscription user license - and includes some AI elements.
Map style from using Googlemaps.